Posted by: MїкüĦαт﹩υnεV01, pet owner &
Pet Misaki Ayuzawa, Miku's Pet >:3
*Misa-chu: Another week in Pet Society again!
*Miku: Experience everything magical for this week's
Fellowship Of The Paw Week!
*Misa-chu: Not only that, we'll be having an Item Giveaway
in Pet Society's Fan Page!
>>Pet Society Fan Page's Item Giveaway!<<
*Misa-chu: Cool! An Item Giveaway! From May 31
- June 3, Pet Society Fan Page we'll be giving free exterior
items that will make your house look like the shire home~thingy..
They'll be giving the following items on the following days
listed below...
Shire Home Roof- May 31
Shire Home Wall- June 1
Shire Home Door- June 2
Shire Home Window- June 3
Shire Home~thingy
(House Exterior & Back yard Example)
>>New treasures & gifts<<
Gray Wizard Outfit
(Weekly Digging Update)
Gray Wizard Plushie
(Free Gift)
>>Limited Items<<
*Misa-chu: Get them before they run away!!
*Miku: *looks at misa-chu T_T*
*Misa-chu: What?? *thinks* Oh...Ok,
Get them before they go!!

White Wizard Outfit

Elven Kingdom Tree Seed
(Wednesday & Thursday)
>>New in Mystery Boxes~!<<

Winged Monster Plushie

Cup & Napkin Decor

Shire Wall Lamp
>>Get that special fishy<<

Gray WizardFish
>>Teamwork & Cooperation<<
Misa-chu: With all lil' teamwork & cooperation, The Elven
Kingdom Fountain will be in your hands....*looks at paws*...Wow...
Wait, I can't carry a fountain that big.. O.O...
Ask your friends for the components needed to complete the

Elven Kingdom Fountain
(Collaborative item)

Elven Sprite

Elven Water

White Stone
>>New Boutique~thingys<<*Misa-chu: Whoa...Evolving Bed...

Elven Kingdom Mystery Evolving Bed
(Boutique-For Your Home)(Outdoor-Furniture)

Future King Bed

White Wizard Bed

Elven Princess Bed

Elven Kingdom Furniture Set
(Free when you buy the Elven
Kingdom Mystery Evolving Bed)

Elven Kingdom Chair & Elven Kingdom Table
(Both at Elven Kingdom Furniture

Elven Kingdom Candelabra
(From Elven Kingdom Furniture Set)

Elven Champion Portrait & Elven Goddess Portrait
(Both from Elven Portraits Bundle)

ShadowPaw Horse
(Boutique-For Your Home,Market-Toys & Collectables)

Elven Kingdom Bonsai Pot

Elven Kingdom Wallpaper & Floor
(Both from Boutique-For Your Home, DIY-Walls & Floors)
>>More Awesome Items<<

Elven Bread & Elven Elixir
(Both from Food-Groceries)

Shire Bench & Shire Counter
(Both from Furniture-Living)

Shire Cupboard & Fireplace
(Both from Furniture-Living)

Shire Wall Shelf & Table
(Both from Furniture-Living)

Elven Princess Plushie
(Market-Toys & Collectables)

Shire Cloak Rack

Shire Emerald Green Curtain & Shire Ruby Red Curtain
(Both from DIY-Fixtures & Fittings)

Shire Emerald & Ruby Fireworks
(Both from Market-Cool Stuff)

Shire Fence & Archway
(Both from Outdoor-Furniture)

Shire Growing Tree & Rocks Decor
(Both from Outdoor-Furniture)

Shire Shrub & Tree Decor
(Both from Outdoor-Furniture)

Shire Welcome Sign

Shire Green & Elaborate Door
(Both from DIY-Windows & Floors)

Shire Window
(DIY- Windows & Doors)

Shire Home Wallpaper & Floor
(Both From DIY-Walls & Floors)

Shire Courtyard Wallpaper & Floor
(Both From DIY-Walls & Floors)

Shire Boy Outfit

Elven Princess Dress
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