Sunday, May 22, 2011

Our tips on earning coins in Pet Society,facebook >:3

Posted by: MїкüĦαт﹩υnεV01, pet owner :3 &
Pet Misaki Ayuzawa >:3, Miku's pet x''3
>>Miku & Misa-chu: Hope u enjoy our blog ^^<<
*Misa-chu*: LOL! Like the title says xD
I should be the first >:3
*Miku*: No, Pet Owners first =w=
*Misa-chu*: Misa-chu wants to be the FIRST!!! >:(
*YOU(the one reading this post now)*: Get on with it!! >:(
*Misa-chu & Miku*: Whatever!! xD
*Miku*: Misa-chu, Go on =_=U

*Misa-chu*: >>How to get enough money to buy new items every week<<
They're new themes in Pet Society for every week..
So, The first day of the newly themed week, which is Monday, Buy
all the newly themed stuff of the week/ other stuff...I know your money 
decreases =w=U...LOL! Me too! This week, SweetHeart week in
Pet Society, I bought all the newly themed stuff! Now, I only have 8,428 coins =w=U
So, after buying all the thingys, I visited my neighbors, bath them, feed them, etc.
Now my money increases again xD...My money will increase even more...
I'll do the same thing from the next day up to Sunday..Now I'm totally prepared
for the next newly themed week xD

*Miku*: Not only visiting neighbors, bath them, feed them, etc....
You can also sell other items from last week, which is the Pirates
Of The High Seas Week, since I don't like Pirates that much,
neither does my Pet xD...I sold all the Pirate stuff I bought....
except for the Pirate Prince Plushie xD...& the Pirate Girl Outfit OwO
or...sell other items you don't need or use anymore :3...
*Miku*: Ok, me again xD....I prefer letting my pet dirty...that
flies fly around her xD for the whole newly themed week...
except for the last day of the week, that is when I'm going to clean 
my pet, since she haven't took a bath for almost a week that many flies
fly around her xD, I'm gonna earn coins, I used soap not bathtub xD..
If I bath her in the bathtub... I'll not earn coins..but if with soap...I'll
earn coins :3
*Misa-chu*: My turn >:3....Since my master has 2 brothers
that don't use their Pet Society anymore...Miku uses them to
gift herself..If we don't have enough money to buy the stuff we need..
She opens 1 of them then makes money there, afterwards, buys 
the stuff , then gifts it to herself xD
*Miku*: Ssshhh! Curse you,Misa-chu the blubber mouth! But, 
Ask permission to the person first, Maybe they might play Pet
Society again...xD Then, they'll see their money has increased & freaks out xD..
Hmm.. Isn't it a nice day, or maybe not xD...Isn't a lovely/ not-so-cool day
to play treasure hunting :3?..Then play! ^^...At treasure hunting, you were 
digging for the stuff you wanted to have, But you get was the stuff you already have D:
or you don't want it anymore...So why display it in your house for nothing?
Then sell it!! $_$
*Misa-chu*: You bought a Mystery Box..Opened it,
But all you got is the clothes/ thingy that you already have &
don't want...then sell it again xD
( I bought a Expensive Mystery Box, and i got
a "Hospital Small Green Plant"...I already had that
so I sell it.. I sold it for 999 was useful >:3)
*Miku*:Had that fishing mood today?
Go fishing...You reeled in a fish..
You say: WTF! I already have 
this fish! Then sell it...damn low price..
at least I got coins from that xD
*Misa-chu*: Do you have lots of food at home..?
That you don't need the fruits from the
trees you planted..think it's useless?..
No, It's not...Try selling them...some are
85 coins each...45..or 65..and more~thingys.>:3

>>>NOTE: Will add more tips soon xD<<<

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