Posted by: MїкüĦαт﹩υnεV01, pet owner :3 &
Pet Misaki Ayuzawa >:3, Miku's pet x''3
>>Miku & Misa-chu: Hope u enjoy our blog ^^<<

*Misa-chu*: Yay! Another new exciting week in Pet Society!
*Miku*: Experience everything Sweet for this week's SWEET HEART WEEK!
*Misa-chu*: Very kawaii~! I love this week's new theme ~!!! ^w^
*Miku*: Me too~! Sweet Kawaii Hearts!! ^^But, Not only this new themed
week...We will also have a Rainbow Fish Challenge..!
TIP: Since all the trees are in Playfish Cash...You can always make your
garden "Sweetheart themed" by planting....Homegrown SWEETHEART Roots!
'Cuz it has "sweetheart" in its name >:3
TIP: Since all the trees are in Playfish Cash...You can always make your
garden "Sweetheart themed" by planting....Homegrown SWEETHEART Roots!
'Cuz it has "sweetheart" in its name >:3
>>Rainbow Fish Challenge~!<<

*Misa-chu*: From Thursday,May 19,You can gift you can friends a
Colorful Rainbow Fish Bait...& it's free~thingy >:3
*Miku*: Use it when fishing & you will get 1 of the 5 Rainbow Fishys~! ^^
When you completed all of them...You'll get...the Kawaii
Weather Changing Cloud Mask~!
*Misa-chu*: Like the Official Pet Society Fan Page & keep an eye
for FREE Rainbow Fish Bait & any other free stuff! Which fish
do u like the most? :3 I like the Rainbow-like Fish Of course!
*Miku*: But you didn't catch it didn't ya? (giggles)
*Misa-chu*: You were the one controlling me T.T...Never mind that,
Good luck with the Rainbow Fishys Challenge~Thingy xD
>> New treasures & gifts~! <<
Sweet Heart Bunny Plushie!
(Weekly Digging Update)
*Misa-chu*:Yay! Bunnies!
(Free Gift)
>>Limited Items<<
*Misa-chu*: Get them before they run away >:3
*Miku*: You mean before they're all gone =_=..?
*Misa-chu*: WHY?? I wanna make a joke out of it >:3

*Miku*: Get this very special KAWAII limited item on Tuesday!
*Misa-chu*: Buy this Dreamy Home Bundle & you'll get all these 12 items!
Awww.....Why isn't it pink? D:

Sweetheart Buns Wig
(Boutique~For Your Pet, Clothes~ Hair Stylist)
*Misa-chu*: OMG~! It's pink! Also available on Wednesday & Thursday!
Hey! Miku! Make sure you buy this!
*Miku*: =_=U If it's in Playfish Cash...I won't xD
*Misa-chu*: Oh darn! >:(
>>New In Mystery Boxes~!<<
Sweet Heart Flower Pot
(Mystery Box- Blue)

............SweetHeart Rug....................Sweet Heart Wall Clock
......(Mystery Box-Gold)............(Mystery Box-Gold)
>>New Boutique~thingys<<
*Misa-chu*: Aww, Man! Why does it need to be Playfish Cash??!!
*Miku*: =_=U You said your grown-up already, why do u still act like
a mere child?
*Misa-chu*: uhhhhh....24?
*Miku*: Don't act like Patrick, Misa-chu xD
*Misa-chu*: OMG! MAKE~UP!!! A new Make-up kit! It unlocks
28 New Kawaii Stylist Facial Features! It's discounted for the 1st 3
days (Mon.-Wed.)!
*Miku*: So, you better sign in> Play Pet Society & buy it now~!
And, dye your pet's hair with Black, from this new Black Wig Dye Table
Wow, awesome I love that combination of black & pink/ magenta x3

SweetHeart Balcony.....................SweetHeart Fly
(Boutique-For your Home,.........Transformation Potion
DIY- Windows......................(Boutique-For your pet,
& Doors)...........................Food-Magic Food)

SweetHeart Make-Up Kit
(Boutique- For your Pet, Food- Magic Food)

SweetHeart Swing Set
(Boutique- For Your Home,
Outdoor- Furniture)

Black Wig Dye Table
(Boutique- For Your Pet)
(Clothes- Hair Stylist)
Chocolate Strawberry
Outcome of Dessert Berry Seed

Cookie Berry
.Outcome of Dessert Berry Seed

Cupcake Berry
.Outcome of Dessert Berry Seed

Custard Berry
Outcome of Dessert Berry Seed

Pink Chocoberry
Outcome of Dessert Berry Seed
>>New Outside-of-House thingys >:3<<
*Misa-chu*: Yay~! My house will turn into a giant sweet
gift box! >:3

House Exterior Example
>>More Great Items you should have ^^<<

Sweetheart Boy Outfit............Sweetheart Girl Outfit
TIP: For girls, you can wear the Flower Girl Stockings for 150c
OR any other pink, beige or brown stockings, pants or socks, It's up to u!

SweetHeart Tiered Cake..............SweetHeart Bed
(Food- Groceries)..................(Furniture-Bedroom)

SweetHeart Bedside Table...................Sweetheart Chair

SweetHeart Chest Of Drawers

SweetHeart Stool..........................SweetHeart Bird Cage
(Furniture-Living)................(Market- Toys & Collectables)

SweetHeart Wardrobe.........SweetHeart Framed Quilt
(Furniture-Bedroom)..............(Market-Toys & Collectables)

SweetHeart Pink Curtain.........SweetHeart Round Mirror
(DIY- Fixtures & Fittings)............(Furniture-Bedroom)

SweetHeart Wall Shelf
(DIY- Fixtures & Fittings)

SweetHeart Fence
(Outdoor- Furniture)

SweetHeart Home Sign

SweetHeart Lamp Post

SweetHeart Window
(DIY- Windows & Doors)

SweetHeart Door
(DIY- Windows & Doors)

SweetHeart Pink Wallpaper & SweetHeart Beige Wallpaper
(Both at DIY- Walls & Floors)

SweetHeart Brown Wallpaper & SweetHeart Brown Rug
(Both at DIY- Walls & Floors)

SweetHeart Pink, Beige & Brown Floor
(All at DIY- Walls & Floors)
>>New WWF Items<<
*Miku*: Help protect endangered animals & their habitats
by buying WWF items! ^^

WWF Red Panda Bundle
(Boutique-WWF, Market- Toys & Collectables)

WWF Red Panda Costume & WWF Red Panda Outfit
(Both at Boutique-WWF, Market-Toys& Collectables)

WWF Red Panda Poster & WWF Red Panda Plushie
(Both from Boutique- WWF, Market- Toys & Collectables)

WWF Red Panda Cub Plushie
(Boutique- WWF, Market- Toys & Collectables)
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>>New In Mystery Boxes~!<<

Sweet Heart Flower Pot
(Mystery Box- Blue)

............SweetHeart Rug....................Sweet Heart Wall Clock
......(Mystery Box-Gold)............(Mystery Box-Gold)
>>New Boutique~thingys<<
*Misa-chu*: Aww, Man! Why does it need to be Playfish Cash??!!
*Miku*: =_=U You said your grown-up already, why do u still act like
a mere child?
*Misa-chu*: uhhhhh....24?
*Miku*: Don't act like Patrick, Misa-chu xD
*Misa-chu*: OMG! MAKE~UP!!! A new Make-up kit! It unlocks
28 New Kawaii Stylist Facial Features! It's discounted for the 1st 3
days (Mon.-Wed.)!
*Miku*: So, you better sign in> Play Pet Society & buy it now~!
And, dye your pet's hair with Black, from this new Black Wig Dye Table
Wow, awesome I love that combination of black & pink/ magenta x3

SweetHeart Balcony.....................SweetHeart Fly
(Boutique-For your Home,.........Transformation Potion
DIY- Windows......................(Boutique-For your pet,
& Doors)...........................Food-Magic Food)

SweetHeart Make-Up Kit
(Boutique- For your Pet, Food- Magic Food)

SweetHeart Swing Set
(Boutique- For Your Home,
Outdoor- Furniture)

Black Wig Dye Table
(Boutique- For Your Pet)
(Clothes- Hair Stylist)

Chocolate Strawberry
Outcome of Dessert Berry Seed

Cookie Berry
.Outcome of Dessert Berry Seed

Cupcake Berry
.Outcome of Dessert Berry Seed

Custard Berry
Outcome of Dessert Berry Seed

Pink Chocoberry
Outcome of Dessert Berry Seed
>>New Outside-of-House thingys >:3<<
*Misa-chu*: Yay~! My house will turn into a giant sweet
gift box! >:3

House Exterior Example
>>More Great Items you should have ^^<<

Sweetheart Boy Outfit............Sweetheart Girl Outfit
TIP: For girls, you can wear the Flower Girl Stockings for 150c
OR any other pink, beige or brown stockings, pants or socks, It's up to u!

SweetHeart Tiered Cake..............SweetHeart Bed
(Food- Groceries)..................(Furniture-Bedroom)

SweetHeart Bedside Table...................Sweetheart Chair
Sweetheart Desk

SweetHeart Chest Of Drawers

SweetHeart Stool..........................SweetHeart Bird Cage
(Furniture-Living)................(Market- Toys & Collectables)

SweetHeart Wardrobe.........SweetHeart Framed Quilt
(Furniture-Bedroom)..............(Market-Toys & Collectables)

SweetHeart Pink Curtain.........SweetHeart Round Mirror
(DIY- Fixtures & Fittings)............(Furniture-Bedroom)

SweetHeart Wall Shelf
(DIY- Fixtures & Fittings)

SweetHeart Fence
(Outdoor- Furniture)

SweetHeart Home Sign

SweetHeart Lamp Post

SweetHeart Window
(DIY- Windows & Doors)

SweetHeart Door
(DIY- Windows & Doors)

SweetHeart Pink Wallpaper & SweetHeart Beige Wallpaper
(Both at DIY- Walls & Floors)

SweetHeart Brown Wallpaper & SweetHeart Brown Rug
(Both at DIY- Walls & Floors)

SweetHeart Pink, Beige & Brown Floor
(All at DIY- Walls & Floors)
>>New WWF Items<<
*Miku*: Help protect endangered animals & their habitats
by buying WWF items! ^^

WWF Red Panda Bundle
(Boutique-WWF, Market- Toys & Collectables)

WWF Red Panda Costume & WWF Red Panda Outfit
(Both at Boutique-WWF, Market-Toys& Collectables)

WWF Red Panda Poster & WWF Red Panda Plushie
(Both from Boutique- WWF, Market- Toys & Collectables)

WWF Red Panda Cub Plushie
(Boutique- WWF, Market- Toys & Collectables)
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